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Chungbuk National University Regulations
[시행 2021.12.1.] [충북대학교학칙 제1493호, 2021.12.1., 일부개정]

Clause 3 Assistance and Exemption of Students with Disabilities
Article 120 (Acknowledgement and Application) ① A student with disabilities (hereafter, students with disabilities) is a person who is defined in the 「disabled person welfare law」 Article 2, and who has special educational requirements as recognized by the president . <Amendment 2017. 8. 31.>
② Students with disabilities will be assisted according to related laws including 「Special education laws for persons with disabilities and others」.

Article 121 (Exemption from limited enrollment years)
Students with disabilities will not be limited in their enrollment years regardless of Article 33.

Article 122 (Credit enrollment system)
① Students with disabilities can make a payment for tuition based on the credit hours they have registered for in the pertinent semester (hereafter this article is called the ‘credit enrollment system’) <Amendment 2010. 1. 5.>
② details related to the credit enrollment system are determined by the president.

Article 123 (Exemption from leave of absence term)
Students with disabilities will be exempt from Clause75 Article 1.

The Chungbuk National University Students with Disabilities Special Support Committee Regulations
[시행 2014.11.1.] [충북대학교학교규정 제1162호, 2014.11.1., 일부개정]

Article1 (Purpose) The purpose of thisregulationis to define the operation and the management of the  SpecialAssistance Committee for  Students  with Disabilities(hereinafter referred to as  the  "Committee"),  in accordance withArticle29of the Special Education Act  for People with  Disabilities(hereinafter referred  toas the  "SpecialEducation  Act").

Article2(Function) The Committee  shall consider and decide  the  following  matters·
1.  Planning to support  studentswith disabilities
2.Examining claim casesand makingdecisions.
3.Dealing with other matters set forth by the SpecialEducation Act that relate to  supporting studentswith disabilities.

Article3(Composition)①The Committee shall consistof no  more than 15  members, includingone  Chairperson.②Committee membership shall consist of the deans of academic affairs,studentaffairs,planning, secretariat,library, computer information, employment support headquarters,child welfare department, anddisability support center. The remaining membersshall  berecommended by the Chairperson and appointed by the President. A dean of academic affairs automatically becomes a chairperson.<Amendment  2014.11.1.>③One assistant administrator shall be appointed bythe Chairperson from the staff of the Disability SupportCenter.

Article4 (Meeting)①Meetings shall be held at the request of the Chairperson orat the request of at least one-third ofthe Members of  the Committee, and atthetimewhen there is a request for examination pursuantto Article35of the Special Education Act.②Meetings shall be opened with the attendance of amajority of the members and shall be voted in favorby a majority of the members present.

Article 5  (Requestfor Examination, etc.) ①Students with disabilities and  their  guardians may  apply in  writing tothe Presidentfor provision of various support measures under the Special Education Act.②Thepresident shallnotify the applicant in writingwhether or not the support requested will be providedand why, pursuant toParagraph1,  within twoweeks.
③Students with disabilities and their guardians mayrequest a reviewof theuniversity's decision on the  applicationto the committee pursuant toParagraph1 (includingomission and refusal) andon any acts that violate this Law(form1).
④Within  twoweeks, theCommittee  shallmake a decision and issue the claimant a notice of  examination results  (form2).
⑤The claimant shallbe given the opportunity to make a statement of opinion during the examination  pursuant to Paragraph3.
⑥Thepresident,faculty,and other officials shall comply with the decisions pursuanttoParagraph4.

Article6(Avoidanceand Evasion) ①Members may not participate in the review of the Committee if they are responsible for the  claims case, have a direct  interest,or have significant reasons for notbeingable to do their work fairly.②When theCommittee recognizesthat there is a reason inparagraph 1,it may, by itsresolution, suspend the examinationbythe member.

Article7(OperatingRules) The details necessary for the operation of the Committee shall be reviewed by theCommittee and be decided onby the Director of Disability SupportCenter.

By-laws  <No.882,2009.12.31.>Thisregulation shall be enforced from the date ofpromulgation.

By-laws  <No.1162,2014.11.1.>Thisregulation shall be enforced from the date of promulgation.