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Center Introduction

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Center Introduction

Welcome to the Chungbuk National University Disability Support Center.

The Chungbuk National University Disability Support Center was founded in 2005 in an effort to assist students with disabilities in their educational activities and to provide holistic assistance as a way to improve the educational environment for students.

The mission of our center is to consult with students, faculty, and visitors on campus to determine inconveniences and difficulties experienced and to address them. In furthering our effort to improve campus academic and living conditions, we also intend to contribute to the welfare of local community members with disabilities.

We offer educational assistance for students and arrange institutional systems for enhancing their learning capacities as well as the quality of campus life. We continue to help create a barrier free campus by installing and augmenting amenities so that members can experience a good campus life with no inconvenience. Since the foundation of the center this effort has led to CBNU being selected as the most excellent university in 「the assessment of educational welfare of university students with disabilities」 supervised by the ministry of education, for five consecutive years from 2008.

Our goal is to support students with disabilities ‘from admission to employment after graduation’ and thus, to help them to achieve independent lives through successful employment. We do our best to assure students’ right to learn by providing assistance for educational activities and continuously augmenting amenities.


  • left of Chungbuk National University main entrance, building N2 (The Law School) , first floor, Room 101

Centre Major facilities

Specialized Multimedia Room photo

Specialized Multimedia Room

Rehabilitation Room photo

Rehabilitation Room

Students Council Room photo

Students Council Room

Consultation Room photo

Consultation Room

Reading Room photo

Reading Room

Barrier-free Room photo

Barrier-free Room

Lounge photo


Center Entrance photo

Center Entrance